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What is it like to study in China?

  https://www.istudy-china.com/      Related Have you ever thought of studying in china? Hi! My name is Clara and I have indeed studied and lived in China. I attended University of Nottingham Ningbo. So, did I regreted taking this decision? Would I do it again? Well, first things first. I want to clarify that I was an exchange student on an English speaking University. So this experience was unique in a way, since inside my campus all students and most of the staff spoke English, so my culture shock was not as great as somebody else’s. However, I traveled and visited many places, on my own and with friends. I absolutely enjoyed China, even though the first weeks I struggled a bit adapting into life there. As I mentioned it was not a great deal of a shock but some details kept piling up and somehow I had to embrace them. For example, China’s cuisine, times of having lunch, classes with chinese students, etc. But my great culture shock came after a couple of months since I went on a trip

What is it like to study in China?

  https://www.istudy-china.com/      Related How do you feel about studying in China? I’ve had friends study in China and love it. My own children started school there, and I’ve taught there. My daughter’s godmother is from Hong Kong. I loved China. It’s relatively safe for westerners, though the primary school (countryside China) was unsure how to handle a foreigner - they were far more anxious than I was. The people in general were friendly, and fascinated with foreigners. The country and the culture are amazing and there are some good universities to be found. It’s a more difficult place to get around than some others, but it’s a wonderful adventure. If you’re inspired, go and try it. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

What is it like to study in China?

  https://www.istudy-china.com/      Hi! I used to be an exchange student at University of Nottingham Ningbo China and it is decision I am very happy I made. My fascination for China started a couple of years ago when I had the opportunity to attend a summer school in Xiamen, a city I really liked and whose environment was captivating for me. Although some people definitely do not agree (my parents never understood why I wanted to study abroad in China!), I think China is a great destination for three reasons: The cultural difference between the West and China is striking and super interesting. For sure, this may create complicated situations sometimes, but it will also be a life-changing experience. China has a lot of history, cultural traditions and attractions that are totally unknown in Europe and America, so it is really cool to observe them in the country. I really think that getting to know some locals has been an opportunity I am really thankful for. Job prospects. China is dev

What is it like to study in China?

  https://www.istudy-china.com/      Related What’s its like to be an international student in China? You get a lot of attention. When I did my student exchange at Wuhan University five years ago, any Chinese students I acquainted on a daily basis would pour questions at me about my home country-Singapore. My outgoing nature as an international student seemed to appeal to Chinese students quite a bit. Plenty of them would also want to exploit the opportunity to improve their English conversation skills with you. My birthday occurred on my last few days of stay at the university. I decided to book a restaurant to treat the entire class to dinner. It costed less than a meal I would have spent on myself here in Texas.

What is it like to study in China?

  https://www.istudy-china.com/      Related Is it a good choice to study abroad in China? It depends where you are from and what you plan to study! Of course for anyone, the general importance of China internationally means that it is worth studying in China in order to understand China, make connections in China and learn the language. China is not the cheapest country but is not so expensive. China is quite safe. On the downside, China does have poor air quality in many cities, so is not a great option for people who suffer from asthma. For American students, who tend to study abroad for just a semester, China is good for exactly these reasons. China is also cheaper than Western Europe, and there are more scholarships available for study in China than study in Western Europe. I also like China as a place for Americans to study abroad because it exposes students to a non-Western culture. It can be hard to get courses in a students’ major in China, especially in technical fields, so i