What is it like to study in China?






Have you ever thought of studying in china?


My name is Clara and I have indeed studied and lived in China. I attended University of Nottingham Ningbo. So, did I regreted taking this decision? Would I do it again?

Well, first things first. I want to clarify that I was an exchange student on an English speaking University. So this experience was unique in a way, since inside my campus all students and most of the staff spoke English, so my culture shock was not as great as somebody else’s.

However, I traveled and visited many places, on my own and with friends. I absolutely enjoyed China, even though the first weeks I struggled a bit adapting into life there. As I mentioned it was not a great deal of a shock but some details kept piling up and somehow I had to embrace them. For example, China’s cuisine, times of having lunch, classes with chinese students, etc. But my great culture shock came after a couple of months since I went on a trip outside Ningbo. I traveled on trains on my own, and experience the true chinese life outside the campus protection. I was completely scared but chinese locals were very nice and tried to ease up my nerves by trying to chat and offering me some food. From that point, I realised that I was not enjoying China and I definetly had a very close mind towards its people. So I started changing, exploring, listening and leting my guard down. That’s when I really started experiencing my exchange and all I have to say is that it was worth it and now Ningbo is like my second home

Would I do it again then? Of course. In fact, I was looking forwards to do an intership this summer but due to corona, I had to fly back to Spain. But as soon as I can I will try to work, do an intership or study there. I absolutely love Shanghai and it would be one of my best choices.



What is it like to study in China?

What is it like to study in China?